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Services Offered

New Ventures based services

These services are offered through New Ventures on a walk-in or referral basis. 

NVI TRAINING PROGRAM (Work training and practices) is comprehensive vocational training that develops the work skills, behaviors, and habits needed to seek a job and keep a job that fits the individual’s skills and abilities. Most of the learning will occur as real hands-on work that is outsourced from industry in Janitorial Services, Production/Manufacturing Services, and Lawn Care Maintenance. The individual can train on several different opportunities that require different skill sets so it can be determined what employment field the individual would like to pursue and do well in. Some of the opportunities include custodial cleaning and maintenance, recycling, kitting, packaging, assembly/disassembly, industrial sewing, labeling/relabeling, shipping, and receiving, material handling, lawn care maintenance, light hand and mechanical assembly, operation of high-end commercial mowing equipment, and others. This is paid work training and typically lasts from 400-450 hours. Each assignment will help the individual identify, practice, and learn the basic skills needed for successful employment. Individuals will also participate in classroom training to assure maximum work success. The curriculum was developed to teach soft skills, work readiness, and self-sufficiency in cooperation with best practices in the local employment fields. In addition, case management will be available for all individuals receiving services; NVI will assign a Vocational Specialist to each individual, with emphasis on building positive relationships and empowering the individual, as well as assisting in finding other resources that may be needed in the community, such as reliable childcare or referring them to West Georgia Technical College for high school equivalency classes. This program is open to walk-in applicants and community referrals. Learn more about the process of how to complete this program here.

GVRA Services

GVRA, or Georgia Vocational Rehabilitation Agency, is a state-run program that helps individuals with disabilities achieve independence through providing work training and placement services. New Ventures is a provider for GVRA and clients of GVRA can be referred to us for the below programs through them. You can learn more about GVRA and becoming a GVRA client here:

WORK EVALUATION uses real work from industry and associated support jobs to evaluate the individual’s knowledge of types of work, stamina necessary to complete a job, work behaviors, their physical capacity, their interpersonal skills necessary for working on a team, and how they may respond to differing supervision styles. This program is time-limited (up to 80 hours) and conducted in a controlled environment that can be, and is, modified to test personal responses to various work situations. A report of findings indicates areas of strengths, deficits, and accommodations that would need to be addressed to maximize individual vocational performance. This program requires a referral from GVRA.

worksource georgia

Worksource Georgia supports business and workforce growth throughout the state of Georgia. The Three Rivers Regional Commission serves 10 counties across West-Central Georgia. You can learn more about their program here:

WIOA YOUTH WEX PROGRAM is a WorkSource Georgia/Three Rivers Regional Commission youth program that serves out-of-school youth between the ages of 16-24. NVI acts as an official worksite and offers paid work experiences and hands-on training in Janitorial Services, Production/Manufacturing Services, and Lawncare Maintenance for youth who live in Troup County. This program requires a referral from the Youth Career Facilitator of Three Rivers.