NVI graduates

How Can I Hire New Ventures Program Graduates?

If you are interested in hiring someone from the New Ventures training program, call us today at (706) 882-7723. We would love to talk to you about your business needs and work with you to identify the right person for the job.

What are the Benefits of Hiring from the New Ventures Training Program?

Dependable Workforce

Support Partnerships

New Ventures vocational specialists maintain open communication with employers and program graduates during the initial probationary period. We want to ensure quality and satisfaction with every business partner and employer.

Create Employment Opportunities

Partnering with New Ventures will allow your company to create customized employment opportunities for individuals with barriers. Offering customized employment will set you apart from your competitors. Above all, it is an opportunity for persons with disabilities to become successful, independent citizens. You can make a positive impact on your community by hiring New Ventures program graduates.

Diversity in Your Workplace

Tax Credit Opportunities

Hiring a person with disabilities or other barriers may qualify you for tax credits including but not limited to: Disabled Access Credit, Barrier Removal Tax Deduction, and Work Opportunity Tax Credit.

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